Syrian Hamsters

Kane’s black Syrian, Shadow

Syrian hamsters are the most common type of hamster kept as a pet. They are sometimes referred to as the “Golden Hamster”.

There are many different colorings of Syrians, and up above is one of a black Syrian. There are also varieties in coats; Shadow the black Syrian is a shorthair while there are others that are longhaired, sometimes inappropriately called “Teddy Bears”.

Syrian hamsters are solitary and MUST be kept alone when they reach 8-10 weeks. If they are kept together fighting, death WILL happen. Syrians grow approximately 6 - 7 inches with a short little tail. They average Syrian can live from 2 - 3 years, although Syrians living up to 5 years have been reported.

The males are generally laid back, but there are wild ones. The females are said to give off a slight odor when in heat. Females are also said to be a little grumpy during old age as well. The Syrian hamster, whether male or female, make great pets for children. I would suggest the age of the owner to be 6 years old and up, due to their friendly nature.


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