Chinese Dwarf

Shelley’s Chinese Dwarf, Cinnamon


The Chinese hamster is not as popular as the other dwarfs when it comes to being pets. They are rat-like hamsters with long slender bodies and a longer tail then the other species of hamster.

They are approximately 10 - 12 centimeters long.

The Chinese dwarf is very sociable and have better health if kept with another Chinese. Keep in mind that the cage-mates need to be siblings or have been cage-mates since early life. The Chinese dwarf is VERY timid so quick movements and loud noises frighten them. I would suggest the age of the owner to be 15 years old and up, do to their skittish behavior.

I would also suggest a large aquarium or plastic habitat for them to live in. Mainly because they can easily slip through the bars of wire cages and they need much space to run around.


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